Rustica French Quarter Barn Door Barn doors are a great way to save space. They effortlessly slide along the wall, leaving you with up to 10 square feet of extra room space. The wide windows on the French Quarter Barn Door are perfect for maintaining a room’s open appearance. While still allowing light to enter in even when closed, this barn door instills privacy without closing off the room to the rest of the house. The French Quarter Barn Door is handmade in the USA by our expert craftsmen.
Inspired by the French Renaissance. "French Doors" are doors with bigger glass areas and were intended to maximize natural lighting as indoor lighting was limited to candles, lamps and furnaces. Neighboring countries were quick to adopt this design, giving credit to the French Renaissance by calling it, quite simply, “French Doors”
Condition: This was purchased for a home and ended up being the wrong size. There are no returns. It has been stored in the garage since purchasing. There may be slight scuffs, etc, from being open box but the door is new and unused!
Dimensions: The door itself is 40"W x 88"H *Please see the photos for all of the specifications of the door, hardware, etc.*